Thursday, March 24, 2011

Small or big idea is depends how you perceive it.

Im not sure how many people you could have thought of it, but yeah it is a small idea for school event and fund raising. Please do not sigh after reading the next line

Not by selling items, foods drinks or old fashion bookmarks and stuffs, but thru photography. Yeah that right, I knew you will sigh...Here you go sigh again louder one.

What about instant one? Have you thought of using instant camera and shoot a gang of dude of chick in your school during some little event?

As we know that instant camera is quite cheap and most prob you can get it below 300 buck.

This idea is stall in my mind and just could not be erase. Too bad I'm not a secondary student anymore.
If not I would make money from them during any school occasion.

C'mon, if you're in a club, society or mayb a bunch of people who love photography, you should start the wave in your school. The instant film is a little cosy, but what if you sell it for RM4 per piece? or with promotion 5 takes free 1 pcs? At the end you still earning rite?


If you think the post is lame please do comment on it. I accept every good and bad comments.

Thanks for viewing

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