Saturday, July 9, 2011

9th July 2011 I'm not political conscious

What and how does a blogger live his/her life?

I miss those days when I'm blogging whole day and night.

On that specific period I was like no life without blogging. It actually became part and parcl in my life.

Blog means a lot to me. It can be my best friend as well as best place to browse at when I'm on the net.

I believe those who are blogger you know what I mean right.

Ya nowadays I did not have much time to blog anymore. Due to my work, my assignment and presentation and personal activities, especially involved in church. I even have loads of paperwork on this weekend from my current job.

Well, Happy birthday mummy. We love you.
A part of 9th July Bersih 2.0 rally in KL, it was my mum birthday too.
We're in Genting since Friday night to celebrate her birthday.

I really wish that the rally end soon and everyone in Malaysia live a peaceful life.
I pray hard so that tomorrow when we head to KL it was no jam at all.
Let's stay in peace Malaysian.

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